人 | もの | 場所 | もの | |||
George | and | Godzilla | walked to | Papa John's | to order a large pepperoni | pizza. |
ジョージとゴジラはLサイズのペパロニピザを注文するためにパパジョーンズへ歩いていった |
army | council | minority |
audience | department | navy |
board | faculty | public |
cabinet | family | school |
class | firm | senate |
committee | group | society |
company | jury | team |
corporation | majority | troupe |
誤 | The new furnitures look good in the lobby. |
正 | The new furniture looks good in the lobby. |
新しい家具はロビーに合う. |
誤 | Confidence are reassuring to clients. |
正 | Confidence is reassuring to clients. |
信頼は顧客を安心させる. |
(2-3-1a-1) EXERCISE
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
New employees
asked to attend orientation.
(A) is
(B) are
(2-3-1a-2) EXERCISE
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
The secretary ordered two
___ for the meeting.
(A) trays of food
(B) foods
(2-3-1a-3) EXERCISE
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
___ increased since Mr. Toyota revised the plan.
(A) has
(B) have
Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
The police
___ when the alarm goes off.
(A) arrive quickly
(B) is arriving
(C) arrives quickly
(D) has arrived
The childeren were excited.では[Who was excited?]という質問に対し、childrenと答えることができる。
S | V | C |
主語 | 動詞 | 主格補語 |
He | lies | dead. |
彼は死んでいる |
S | V | DO | C |
主語 | 動詞 | 直接目的語 | 目的補語 |
We | elected | Peter | president. |
ピーターをプレジデントに選んだ |
主語 | 動詞 | 冠詞 | 直接目的語 |
I | opened | the | package. |
主語 | 動詞 | 直接目的語 |
I | met | Rebecca. |
主語 | 動詞 | 間接目的語 | 冠詞 | 直接目的語 |
I | gave | Tony | a | book. |
He lives in Montreal. |
彼はモントリオールに住んでいる |
Sit between Martha and me. |
マーサと私の間に座りなさい |
I gave a bottle of wine to Pierre. |
ピエールにボトルに入ったワインをあげた。 |
His invention, a better mousetrap, brought him great wealth. |
彼の発明、つまりよりよいネズミ捕りが彼に富を持ち込んだ |
Margaret Mitchell's only published novel, Gone with the Wind, was an instant success. |
マーガレット ミッチェルの唯ひとつの出版本、風とともに去りぬ、は瞬時に大当たりだった |
Ali, please see me after class. |
アリ、授業でのあとで来なさい |
Count(単数) | I read a book that was very good. |
私は,とても良い本を読んだ.良い本は沢山あり,その内の一冊 | |
Count(複数) | I read some books that were very good. |
私は,いくつかのとても良い本を読んだ.良い本は沢山あり,その内の数冊 | |
Non-count | I read some literature that was very good. |
私は,とてもよいある書物を読んだ. |
日本語でその,あの,このを付けていい直せる事柄の場合,定冠詞theを用いる.また,この世の中に一つしかないものの場合にもtheを用いる.例えば,the sun など.
Count(単数) | I read a book that was very good. The title of the book was ... |
その本のタイトルは...と特定の本を指すのでtheが必要 | |
Count(複数) | I read some books that were very good. The author of the books was ... |
それらの本の著者は...と特定の本を指すのでtheが必要 | |
Non-count | I read some literature that was very good. The theme of the literature was ... |
(2-3-7a-1) EXERCISE
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
___ of the entire department made the project a success.
(A) An effort
(B) A effort
(C) Effort
(D) The effort
(2-3-7a-2) EXERCISE
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
___ always interrupts your work during the day.
(A) Long meeting
(B) The long meeting
(C) A long meeting
(D) The meeting