
  1. 単数扱いの代名詞 person, man, woman, one, anyone, anybody, someone,somebody, either, neither, each, everyone, everybodyのことを表す代名詞は単数扱い。

    Everyone did his best.
    Neither of the girls has her books.

  2. 先行詞がAND, OR, NORで結ばれたときの代名詞

    John and Henry finished their work.
    単数扱いの先行詞をOR, NORで結んでも単数扱い
    Neither John nor Henry finished his work.
    単数扱いと複数扱いの先行詞をeither or, neither nor, not only but alsoで結んだ場合は
    Neither teacher nor students were aware of their danger.

  3. 集合名詞はその意味によって,単数または複数扱いの代名詞をとる。つまり,一つのまとまりとして考えた場合は単数扱い。それぞれのメンバー一人一人について考えた場合は複数扱いとなる。

    The faculty has elected its officer. [The faculty(教授会)]
    The faculty have paid their dues. [The faculty(教職員)]

  4. 指示代名詞 this, that, these, thoseはそれらが修飾する名詞と一致しなければならない。

    He enjoys those kind of books.
    He enjoys that kind of books.
    He enjoys those kinds of books.