節の認知(recognizing clauses)

  1. 独立節(independent clause)はそれ自身で意味が通る文である。

    独立節 等位接続詞 独立節
    I found the key, and I gave it back to George

  2. 従属節(dependent clause)はそれ自身では文として成り立たない。

    独立節 従属節
    I found the key after George left the house.
    She read the book that I had recommended


  3. 形容詞節(adjective clause)

    The boy who applied for work was hired.
    Everyone who came had a good time.


    1. 制限節(restrictive clause)はそれが修飾する人やものを見分けるために必要な情報を含んでいる。

      The boy who applied for work was hired.
      Everyone who came hadd a good time.

    2. 非制限節(nonrestrictive clause)は文に厳密にいうと必要ではない叙述的な情報を与える。

      Mary, who won the lottery, is in my class.

    3. 副詞節(adverb clause)は副詞と同じ働きをする。

      次を意味する 次のもので使って用いられる 用法
      when, after, until, before I left before my family returned
      場所 where, wherever We went where land was fertile.
      仕方 as, as if I proceed as you directed.
      理由 because, since I apologized because I was sorry.
      条件 if, unless If we are invited, we shall go.
      意図 that, so that, in order that She came so that she might help.
      譲歩 although They came although they were tired.
      結果 that He ran do fast that he was exhausted.
      度合 as She is as happy as I [am happy].
      比較 than He is taller than I [am tall].

  4. 名詞節(noun clause)は名詞として用いられる。

    主語 That he tries is evident.
    直接目的語 I know that he went.
    主格補語 My hope is that he will go.
    前置詞の目的語 Speak to whoever comes.

  5. 文の中の句(clause in sentence)

    1. 単文(simple sentence)は1つの独立節だけで作られている文である。

      The doorbell rang.

    2. 重文(compound sentence)は2つ以上の独立節を等位接続詞(coordinate conjunction)(and, but, or, nor, for)を用いてつなげたものである。

      The doorbell rang, and our guests arrived.
      The clock struck three, the doorbell rang, and our guests arrived.

    3. 複文(complex sentence)は1つの独立節と1つ以上の従属節を従属接続詞(subordinate conjunction)(after, if, because, etc)を用いて、主要節につなげるたものである。

      従属節 独立節
      As the clock struck three, our guests arrived.

    4. 重複文(compound-complex sentence)は重文と1つ以上の従属節で作られている文である。

      従属節 独立節 独立節
      As the clock struck three, the doorbell rang, and our guests arrived.